Review pp. 99-114 of The Crucible and discuss from the HW.
Discuss essay prompts (see below) and find two quotes from Acts I-III that support the theme you will be explaining in your essay. As a class we wrote these quotes on paper on the walls, discussed the relative merits of each quote for that theme.
ESSAY TOPIC LIST coming soon.
Mrs. Evans demonstrated how to "enclose" quotes by 1) introducing the quote with the context (what is going on when this is spoken) and the speaker (remind us who said it), 2) inserting the quote, and 3) explaining what the speaker meant (literal meaning) and what the speaker intended to show (figurative or implied meaning).
We then read and discussed the play pp. 114-129.
Homework: catch up on your reading if you are behind and bring a 1-2 page rough draft of your essay to class on Thursday. (NO CLASS TUESDAY--Veteran's Day)