Tuesday, December 16, 2008

End of term "shut down"

Postings for classwork will resume after finals.

If you are absent for any reason in the last three weeks of the term, arrange to meet with Mrs. Evans for makeup work.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, December 15th

A rarity for us... school was cancelled.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday, December 11th

Today we begin the Ricochet River unit.

1) We checked out books and reading schedule bookmarks were distributed.

2) We discussed choosing a level of reading/comprehension appropriate to your learning and to your goals for future English classes. The three options are:
  • Answer questions that address literal and implied meaning (pick this option if you struggle with comprehending or you forget what you read)
  • Summarize each chapter, in your own words, as you read (this is the "on-level" option that will help you distinguish between what is important and what details are peripheral). Use the reading guide author Robin Cody web-published to guide you.
  • Analyze each chapter, in your own words, as you read, focusing on connections, themes, and symbolism (this is the "challenge" level--choose this if you intend to take College Writing or AP Literature next year to prepare you for this level of discourse). Use the reading guide author Robin Cody web-published to get you started.
Mrs. Evans discussed seven themes that will emerge as we read and discuss this book. The theme handout will help you focus on those themes and will serve as the basis of your thematic essay at the end of the unit.

NOTE: A "wild-to-tame" scale handout was also distributed, although we will not discuss it until we reach chapter 6.

We read and verbally analyzed chapter 1 in class. Chapters 2-3 are homework, along with the questions, summaries or analysis for those chapters (due Monday).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, December 9th

Macbeth unit test (35 multiple choice, one short answer on theme and an essay prompt)

This test took the majority of the period (60-75 minutes)


Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, December 8th

Quick review/catch-up for students who missed a day last week.

We watched a movie version of Macbeth, Act V and discussed how the social order is restored to Scotland.

TEST TOMORROW! Notes are allowed on the test.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday, December 4th

We completed Act III comprehension questions (literal meaning and interpretation of events or quotes) and discussed them as a class.

We discussed Act IV with a handout, summarizing the act.
Connections were made between Macbeth's temptations and reactions in Acts I-II and his swift descent into personal hysteria and tyranny.

Finally, we discussed the upcoming essay portion of the test--focusing on how Macbeth's private hysteria was, in part, instigated by the witches and comparing his reaction to the mass hysteria exhibited by the villagers in The Crucible when they "discovered" witches practicing amongst them.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, December 2nd

We reviewed the Act I comprehension questions as a class. As students double checked their answers, Mrs. Evans showed each student their 12-week grade.

We summarized and discussed Act II, but did not read it. We read Act III in a modern-language translation and stopped to discuss the crumbling of Macbeth's character, marriage and life.

No homework.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, December 1st

After a quick review of important quotes from Act I (see Mrs. Evans for a formative assessment if you were gone), we answered questions about Act I about the events and the implications (Level 1 and 2 questions).

This was an open book assignment. If you were absent, complete this assignment and check with Mrs. Evans.

Macbeth Questions, Act 1
1. What TWO enemies does the kingdom of Scotland face? How are they overcome?
2. What powers do the Three Witches seem to possess? What do they predict will happen to Macbeth and Banquo?
3. What kind of ruler does Duncan appear to be?
4. How do Macbeth and Banquo differ in their reactions to the Witches’ predictions and the news of Macbeth’s new title? What does this say about their characters?
5. How does Macbeth react to Duncan’s naming of his son Malcolm as his heir?
6. After reading her husband’s letter, what does Lady Macbeth say about him?
7. What does Lady Macbeth’s reaction to the news of Duncan’s visit show about her nature?
8. What is ironic, or “off,” about Duncan’s first impression when he arrives at Macbeth’s castle? How SHOULD he feel?
9. Why does Macbeth tell his wife that she should have only male children?