1) We checked out books and reading schedule bookmarks were distributed.
2) We discussed choosing a level of reading/comprehension appropriate to your learning and to your goals for future English classes. The three options are:
- Answer questions that address literal and implied meaning (pick this option if you struggle with comprehending or you forget what you read)
- Summarize each chapter, in your own words, as you read (this is the "on-level" option that will help you distinguish between what is important and what details are peripheral). Use the reading guide author Robin Cody web-published to guide you.
- Analyze each chapter, in your own words, as you read, focusing on connections, themes, and symbolism (this is the "challenge" level--choose this if you intend to take College Writing or AP Literature next year to prepare you for this level of discourse). Use the reading guide author Robin Cody web-published to get you started.
NOTE: A "wild-to-tame" scale handout was also distributed, although we will not discuss it until we reach chapter 6.
We read and verbally analyzed chapter 1 in class. Chapters 2-3 are homework, along with the questions, summaries or analysis for those chapters (due Monday).