You are expected to be IN CLASS everyday. If you know you will be gone, talk to your teacher, then turn in assignments by email (the day they are due) or before you leave. If you miss a class (unexcused), ALL study questions and journal entries are due by the next class period. Missed Lit. circle discussions may require additional makeup work, at the teacher's discretion.
It is the expectation of the teacher that students will read OUTSIDE of class on a regular basis, using classtime for discussions and written work. It will not be possible to stay caught up if you do not read outside of class.
Upcoming due dates:
April 6: Quote explication due
April 16/17: Theme One-pager due
TODAY: We did a Levels of questions/levels of answers activity (whole class), focusing on reading between the lines, and making connections to life, outside of your individual novel. We also practiced answering the same question at the three different levels.
Examples were provided. This activity should help you to read more thoughtfully, write better journal entries and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the novel in your character essays.
See Mrs. Evans to make up this assignment if you were gone.