Tuesday, February 3, 2009

In class pre-reading exercise:

What are the things YOU carry with you daily? In a three column list, on your own paper, write down at least TEN things you carry for each category:
Column 1: Physical things (for example: keys, binders, water bottle, Ipod)
Column 2: Mental things (for example: knowledge, concerns, stress, ethics)
Column 3: Emotional things (for example: fear of failure, hunger, love, frustration)

We discussed (in general terms only) these three concepts and how they affect our daily lives. Key concept: mental and emotional things can have physical effects (positive or negative) on our bodies/our lives.
We will return to this concept after chapter one of O'Brien's book and towards the end of the book once again.

We discussed the general era and overview of the unit. Then we watched an introductory video about the Vietnam War and U.S. involvement.
Click below to review the movie clip.
(coming soon)